Changes by: Aleksey Nogin (nogin at
Date: 2008-03-18 18:25:35 -0700 (Tue, 18 Mar 2008)
Revision: 12771
Log message:

      Automated merge of 12665:12770 from svn:// into array-args

Changes  Path(relative to omake-branches/jumbo/array-args)
Properties .
+0 -3 doc/OMakefile
+585 -554 doc/html/omake-all-index.html
+41 -41 doc/html/omake-autoconf.html
+150 -139 doc/html/omake-base.html
+34 -34 doc/html/omake-build-examples.html
+178 -169 doc/html/omake-build.html
+475 -463 doc/html/omake-contents.html
+26 -26 doc/html/omake-detail.html
+1 -1 doc/html/omake-doc.css
+2424 -2170 doc/html/omake-doc.html
+160 -147 doc/html/omake-fun-index.html
+88 -44 doc/html/omake-grammar.html
+35 -35 doc/html/omake-language-examples.html
+39 -31 doc/html/omake-language-naming.html
+121 -55 doc/html/omake-language.html
+27 -26 doc/html/omake-obj-index.html
+4 -4 doc/html/omake-option-index.html
+49 -49 doc/html/omake-options.html
+71 -70 doc/html/omake-pervasives.html
+16 -16 doc/html/omake-quickstart.html
+14 -13 doc/html/omake-references.html
+72 -72 doc/html/omake-rules.html
+34 -34 doc/html/omake-shell.html
+225 -182 doc/html/omake-system.html
+6 -6 doc/html/omake-target-index.html
+31 -31 doc/html/omake-toc.html
+106 -101 doc/html/omake-var-index.html
+4 -4 doc/html/omake.html
+15 -15 doc/html/osh.html
+483 -475 doc/info/
+223 -220 doc/info/
+512 -494 doc/info/
+407 -404 doc/info/
+340 -311 doc/info/
+377 -404 doc/info/
+392 -370 doc/info/
+397 -407 doc/info/
+559 -577 doc/info/
+499 -511 doc/info/
+1128 -703 doc/info/
Change(bin) doc/ps/omake-doc.dvi
Change(bin) doc/ps/omake-doc.pdf
Change(bin) doc/ps/
+1 -1 doc/src/omake-grammar.tex
+4 -4 doc/src/omake-language-examples.tex
+2 -2 doc/src/omake-language.tex
+4321 -3952 doc/txt/omake-doc.txt
+15 -15 lib/
+2 -2 lib/build/
+2 -4 lib/build/
+17 -38 src/build/
+1 -1 src/builtin/
+1 -1 src/builtin/
+3 -3 src/builtin/
+4 -4 src/builtin/
+0 -36 src/eval/
+0 -1 src/eval/omake_eval.mli
+15 -0 test/simple/Test10
Copied test/targets/Test5/ (from rev 12770, omake-branches/0.9.8.x/test/targets/Test5)
Properties test/targets/Test5/ (from rev 12770, omake-branches/0.9.8.x/test/targets/Test5)