Changes by: Aleksey Nogin (nogin at
Date: 2007-10-26 17:23:13 -0700 (Fri, 26 Oct 2007)
Revision: 12443
Log message:

      Merged the changes from the "curry" jumbo branch into the "syntax" branch.
     Explanation: before "keyword" and "curry" landed onto 0.9.8.x, the "syntax"
     branch was a child of the "keyword" one and did not have the "curry" changes
     in it. Now that the "keyword" and "curry" have landed onto 0.9.8.x, we want
     the "syntax" branch to descend directly from 0.9.8.x, so it needs to include
     the "curry" changes.
     Specifically, I did the merge of keyword@12376 curry@12376 into syntax.

Changes  Path(relative to omake-branches/jumbo/syntax)
Copied COMMENTS (from rev 12376, omake-branches/jumbo/curry/COMMENTS)
+6 -3 lib/
+16 -2 src/builtin/
+9 -1 src/builtin/
+20 -1 src/env/
+65 -1 src/env/
+14 -0 src/env/omake_env.mli
+27 -11 src/env/
+2 -2 src/env/
+208 -12 src/eval/
+1 -0 src/eval/omake_eval.mli
+16 -0 src/eval/
+3 -1 src/ir/
+1 -1 src/ir/
+6 -2 src/ir/
+1 -1 src/ir/
+1 -0 src/ir/
+8 -2 src/ir/
+3 -0 src/ir/
+2 -0 src/main/
Copied test/curry/ (from rev 12376, omake-branches/jumbo/curry/test/curry)
Properties test/curry/ (from rev 12376, omake-branches/jumbo/curry/test/curry)
+9 -4 test/object/Test14
+4 -5 test/object/Test15