Changes by: Jason J. Hickey (jyh at
Date: 2007-10-15 14:39:10 -0700 (Mon, 15 Oct 2007)
Revision: 12392
Log message:
Change keyword arguments slightly, following OCaml-style convention.
Function Application
f(a) f(1)
f(~a, b) f(~a = 10, 11) Required keyword argument
f(?a, b) f(~a = 10, 12) Optional keyword argument
f(12) -- defaults to empty
f(?a = 1, b) f(~a = 10, 11) Optional keyword argument with default value
f(~a = 1, b) f(11) -- ~a is same as ?a if there is a default value
f(?a = 10, 11) -- Arguments can use ?, but it means the same thing