Changes by: Aleksey Nogin (nogin at
Date: 2007-05-22 15:19:32 -0700 (Tue, 22 May 2007)
Revision: 10790
Log message:

      Preparing for the release:
      - Bumped the version number to
      - Filled in the release date for (tomorrow - May 23, 2007)
      - Regenerated the documentation (had to make a small fix in

Changes  Path
+1 -1 omake-branches/
+1 -1 omake-branches/
+7 -7 omake-branches/
+383 -379 omake-branches/
+31 -31 omake-branches/
+138 -138 omake-branches/
+286 -285 omake-branches/
+1299 -1283 omake-branches/
+165 -161 omake-branches/
+35 -35 omake-branches/
+34 -34 omake-branches/
+24 -24 omake-branches/
+4 -4 omake-branches/
+18 -18 omake-branches/
+129 -123 omake-branches/
+2 -2 omake-branches/
+1 -1 omake-branches/
+7 -7 omake-branches/
+462 -461 omake-branches/
+3 -3 omake-branches/
+14 -13 omake-branches/
+16 -83 omake-branches/
+79 -0 omake-branches/
+5 -5 omake-branches/
+21 -13 omake-branches/
Binary omake-branches/
Binary omake-branches/
Binary omake-branches/
+49 -32 omake-branches/
+2 -2 omake-branches/
+1 -1 omake-branches/
+1 -1 omake-branches/