Changes by: Jason Hickey (jyh at
Date: 2005-03-03 13:23:35 -0800 (Thu, 03 Mar 2005)
Revision: 6827
Log message:
Yay! mmc_int_test/test0 passes the x86 type checker.
Things to think about:
1. There is a ATyLabel{'ty} type where the elements
are *labels* of values of type 'ty. This is used to convert
a direct function to a std function.
<H> >- f : Fun#direct <J> -> ty
<H> >- ImmediateCLabel{'f} : ATyLabel{Fun#std <J> -> ty}
This may-or-may-not be the right way to go.
2. The "return" instruction has type void for any operand.
It is only used in initialization. We need to decide what
to do with initialization.