Changes by: Jason Hickey (jyh at
Date: 2004-04-11 12:18:19 -0700 (Sun, 11 Apr 2004)
Revision: 5635
Log message:
1. Change the opnames in Mmc_core_ast by adding a "U" prefix.
For example, instead of Lambda[tag:s], we use ULambda[tag:s].
There are far too many modules that include both Mmc_core_ast
and Mmc_core_tast, and incorrect naming has been plaguing us.
2. Changing recursive functions to a new form:
sequent [Lambda["rec"]] { f: ty >- sequent [Lambda["std"]] { <H> -> 'e }}
This expression is normally treated as a unit (meaning,
the Lambda["rec"] doesn't make sense unless its body
is a Lambda["std"]).
This is cleaner, and allows recursion around other kinds
of functions.