Changes by: Nathaniel Gray (n8gray at
Date: 2003-08-19 20:08:04 -0700 (Tue, 19 Aug 2003)
Revision: 4851
Log message:
Cleaned up display of sequents a bit in simple_print.
Also fixed bug that was causing core_test/test_prog1 to fail. The problem was
that this doesn't work:
. match explode_term t with
. << sequent ['foo] { ... }
. when alpha_equal foo << Foo >> ->
The last line actually needs to be:
. when alpha_equal foo << sequent_arg{Foo} >> ->
Ah, the joys of untyped languages...
That fixed test_prog1, but test_prog2 now fails. Beware, there's lots of grubby
debugging output in