Changes by: Jason Hickey (jyh at
Date: 2003-08-04 17:37:15 -0700 (Mon, 04 Aug 2003)
Revision: 4814
Log message:
This is an unsatisfying workaround to the context scoping
problem. As mentioned in the previous commit, this is what
we want:
sequent [Lambda] { <H> >- 'e } : sequent [TyAll] { <K> >- 't<|K|> }
sequent [Lambda] { <H> >- TyConstrain{'e; 't<|H|>} } :
sequent [TyAll] { <K> >- 't<|K|> }
We should really get this notation to work. In the meantime,
we use this workaround:
sequent [Lambda] { <H> >- 'e } : sequent [TyAll] { <K> >- 't<|K|> }
collect{ty_vars. sequent [Lambda] { <H> >-
TyConstrain{'e; Apply{sequent [Lambda] { <K> >- 't<|K|> }; 'ty_vars}} :
sequent [TyAll] { <H> >- 't<|K|> }
Remember, collect{ty_vars. sequent [...] { <H> >- ... }} builds
a list of the binding vars in <H>.
That is, we use beta-reduction to perform an explicit substitution.
It should work, but makes the code large, slow, and ugly.
Changes | Path |
+2 -1 | metaprl/filter/filter/ |
+15 -3 | mpcompiler-branches/mojave_sequents/mmc/core/ |
+15 -16 | mpcompiler-branches/mojave_sequents/mmc/core/ |