Changes by: Jason J. Hickey (jyh at
Date: 2008-07-16 13:09:41 -0700 (Wed, 16 Jul 2008)
Revision: 13131
Log message:

      _Almost_ compiles with 3.10.  Term errors during .prla parsing are warnings only.
     I don't know how we did the backslash-opnames, like \subtype, but for now it is
     turned off.  You have to write "subtype".
     Note, the sequence [< is a single token.  A quotation needs a space around it.
        [<< 'A + 'B >>]    (* Incorrect *)
        [ << 'A + 'B >>]   (* Correct *)

Changes  Path(relative to metaprl-branches/ocaml-3.10.0)
Properties filter/base/
+5 -2 filter/base/
+3 -2 filter/base/
+31 -2 filter/base/
+4 -0 filter/base/filter_ocaml.mli
+3 -2 filter/base/
+16 -15 filter/filter/
+7 -2 filter/filter/
+1 -1 refiner/term_ds/
+2 -1 support/shell/
+1 -0 support/shell/
+2 -1 support/shell/
+1 -1 support/shell/shell_p4_sig.mlz
+2 -0 support/shell/
+2 -1 support/shell/
+5 -4 support/shell/shell_rule.mli
+42 -39 support/shell/
+4 -3 support/shell/shell_state.mli
+4 -4 theories/itt/core/
+7 -7 theories/itt/core/itt_dfun.mli
+4 -4 theories/itt/core/
+4 -4 theories/itt/core/
+2 -2 theories/itt/core/
+2 -2 theories/itt/core/itt_ext_equal.mli
+6 -5 theories/itt/core/
+12 -12 theories/itt/core/
+4 -4 theories/itt/core/itt_isect.mli
+3 -3 theories/itt/core/
+2 -2 theories/itt/core/itt_list.mli
+14 -14 theories/itt/core/
+1 -1 theories/itt/core/itt_list2.mli
+7 -7 theories/itt/core/
+2 -2 theories/itt/core/
+2 -2 theories/itt/core/itt_match.mli
+7 -7 theories/itt/core/
+3 -3 theories/itt/core/
+3 -3 theories/itt/core/itt_prec.mli
+4 -4 theories/itt/core/
+3 -3 theories/itt/core/itt_prod.mli
+3 -3 theories/itt/core/
+2 -2 theories/itt/core/itt_quotient.mli
+4 -4 theories/itt/core/
+1 -1 theories/itt/core/
+2 -1 theories/itt/core/
+3 -2 theories/itt/core/
+4 -4 theories/itt/core/
+3 -3 theories/itt/core/itt_srec.mli
+1 -1 theories/itt/core/
+2 -2 theories/itt/core/
+1 -1 theories/itt/core/itt_subtype.mli
+3 -3 theories/itt/core/
+3 -3 theories/itt/core/itt_union.mli
+8 -8 theories/meta/base/base_grammar.mli
+11 -11 theories/meta/base/