Changes by: Jason J. Hickey (jyh at
Date: 2008-02-03 14:40:37 -0800 (Sun, 03 Feb 2008)
Revision: 12717
Log message:
Some minor changes to fight bitrot.
There is something wrong with nthHypT. If I write a rule like this,
it will not apply with nthHypT (failWithT: no match).
prim axiom {| nth_hyp |} 'H : <:xrule<
<H>; A; <J> >- A
If it add a binder, it works.
prim axiom {| nth_hyp |} 'H : <:xrule<
<H>; x: A; <J[x]> >- A
Same happens even if I use traditional syntax.
Changes | Path(relative to metaprl) |
+1 -2 | OMakefile |
+2 -2 | library/OMakefile |
+8 -0 | mk/gen_omakeroot |
Added | mk/ro_config |
+1 -1 | support/editor/mp.mli |
+3 -4 | support/tactics/ |