Changes by: Aleksey Nogin (nogin at
Date: 2007-09-04 10:16:05 -0700 (Tue, 04 Sep 2007)
Revision: 12080
Log message:

      Changes for the OMake

Changes  Path(relative to metaprl)
+2 -3 OMakefile
+1 -1 support/shell/OMakefile

Changes by: Aleksey Nogin (nogin at
Date: 2007-09-04 10:26:55 -0700 (Tue, 04 Sep 2007)
Revision: 12081
Log message:

      Made things compatible with the latest version of LibMojave.

Changes  Path(relative to metaprl)
+2 -6 OMakefile_common
+1 -1 filter/base/
+1 -2 mllib/

Changes by: Aleksey Nogin (nogin at
Date: 2007-09-04 14:27:57 -0700 (Tue, 04 Sep 2007)
Revision: 12084
Log message:

      Merged the svnversion optimizations (rev 10828) off the 3.10 branch.

Changes  Path(relative to metaprl/support/editor)
+7 -7 OMakefile

Changes by: Aleksey Nogin (nogin at
Date: 2007-09-04 15:19:01 -0700 (Tue, 04 Sep 2007)
Revision: 12086
Log message:

      Recreated the OCaml-3.10 branch off the current trunk HEAD.

Changes  Path(relative to metaprl-branches)
Copied ocaml-3.10.0/ (from rev 12084, metaprl)
+27 -19 ocaml-3.10.0/OMakefile_common
+2 -13 ocaml-3.10.0/editor/ml/OMakefile
+14 -22 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/OMakefile
+0 -1 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/Files
+15 -14 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/
+12 -12 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/
+6 -5 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/filter_cache_fun.mli
+9 -29 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/
+6 -6 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/filter_exn.mli
+6 -8 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/
+17 -15 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/
+12 -11 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/filter_hash.mli
+1 -1 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/
+56 -78 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/
+9 -8 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/filter_ocaml.mli
+2 -5 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/
+23 -16 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/
+6 -5 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/filter_summary.mli
+20 -19 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/
+66 -64 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/
+17 -29 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/
+10 -13 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/filter_util.mli
Deleted ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/
Deleted ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/free_vars.mli
+13 -12 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base/
+36 -13 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/filter/
+77 -13 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/filter/
+101 -128 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/filter/
+13 -16 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/filter/
+5 -9 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/filter/filter_patt.mli
+211 -250 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/filter/
+12 -11 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/filter/filter_prog.mli
+46 -46 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/filter/
+6 -5 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/filter/filter_reflect.mli
+76 -82 ocaml-3.10.0/filter/filter/
+4 -7 ocaml-3.10.0/mk/defaults
+1 -1 ocaml-3.10.0/mk/load_config
+0 -1 ocaml-3.10.0/refiner/reflib/OMakefile
+6 -4 ocaml-3.10.0/refiner/reflib/
+6 -4 ocaml-3.10.0/refiner/reflib/mp_resource.mli
+0 -28 ocaml-3.10.0/refiner/reflib/
+0 -2 ocaml-3.10.0/refiner/reflib/simple_print.mli
+0 -1 ocaml-3.10.0/refiner/term_ds/OMakefile
+6 -6 ocaml-3.10.0/refiner/term_gen/
+0 -1 ocaml-3.10.0/refiner/term_std/OMakefile
+6 -5 ocaml-3.10.0/support/shell/shell_p4_sig.mlz
+7 -7 ocaml-3.10.0/support/shell/shell_sig.mlz
+4 -1 ocaml-3.10.0/tactics/proof/OMakefile
+4 -3 ocaml-3.10.0/tactics/proof/
+3 -2 ocaml-3.10.0/tactics/proof/options_boot.mli
+8 -7 ocaml-3.10.0/tactics/proof/
+6 -5 ocaml-3.10.0/tactics/proof/
+9 -8 ocaml-3.10.0/tactics/proof/proof_term_boot.mli
+5 -4 ocaml-3.10.0/tactics/proof/
+8 -8 ocaml-3.10.0/tactics/proof/
+30 -29 ocaml-3.10.0/tactics/proof/
+9 -13 ocaml-3.10.0/util/OMakefile
Deleted ocaml-3.10.0/util/
Deleted ocaml-3.10.0/util/
Deleted ocaml-3.10/

Changes by: Aleksey Nogin (nogin at
Date: 2007-09-06 14:02:48 -0700 (Thu, 06 Sep 2007)
Revision: 12116
Log message:

      Another small step towards 3.10 compatibility.

Changes  Path(relative to metaprl-branches/ocaml-3.10.0/filter/base)
+23 -17