Changes by: Jason Hickey (jyh at
Date: 2006-01-15 21:29:33 -0800 (Sun, 15 Jan 2006)
Revision: 8487
Log message:
Reproved the Itt_hoas_sequent_bterm1 using relaxed properties.
Proved the forward-chaining rules. My proofs should be cleaned
up, I was too lazy.
The forward rules have the following wf requirements
hyps in CVarRelaxed{0}
concl in Bind{length{hyps}}
These goals are extremely easy to prove via theorems like
"wf" : <H> >- n = m in nat -->
"wf" : <H> >- subterms in list -->
<H> >- mk_bterm{n; op; subterms} in Bind{m}
They also hold, by construction, on all bsequent{| ... >- ... |}.
Current state:
- We need better tactics for membership in Bind. It is often
a mistake to use (x in BTerm => x in Bind), so there are a
bunch of nth_hyp to control the application. This is
inefficient, and we get too many cases that are not covered.
- Need to prove the properties for bsequent{| ... |}, and
reprove the forward rules in Itt_hoas_sequent_term1.
Note that these are the strong rules (the non-eta-expanded