Changes by: Jason Hickey (jyh at
Date: 2005-12-26 13:53:20 -0800 (Mon, 26 Dec 2005)
Revision: 8367
Log message:
Working on a list_of_fun theory.
The main problem with list_of_fun{i. 'f['i]; 'n} is that
the function 'f['i] can be arbitrary, and reasoning about
arbitrary functions is hard.
In particular, information can be lost during normalization.
For example:
interactive_rw nth_prefix_lof {| normalize_lof |} :
'n in nat -->
'm in nat -->
'm <= 'n -->
nth_prefix{lof{i. 'f['i]; 'n}; 'm}
lof{i. 'f['i]; 'm}
Here, we lost some information (the variable 'n), and so the rewrite is
not easy to reverse.
The plan is to define a set of reversible rewrites for lof normalization.