Changes by: Aleksey Nogin (nogin at
Date: 2005-12-22 15:39:54 -0800 (Thu, 22 Dec 2005)
Revision: 8345
Log message:
- Added a "sqsimple" resource (with the term->bool output type) that can be
used to tell whether an ITT type is squiggle-simple.
- Added a sqsimple resource annotation processor that can be used to annotate
rules of the form "sqsimple{nat}" and "sqsimple{A} --> sqsimple{A List}"
- Changed the substT tactic to take advantage of the new sqsimple resource.
Now when one runs something like "substT << a = b in (list{nat * int} + bool) >>,
substT will know how to turn the equality into a squiggle one and do a
substitution w/o generating any wf subgoals. hypSubstT and revHypSubstT will
act similarly.