Changes by: Jason Hickey (jyh at
Date: 2005-12-19 20:43:05 -0800 (Mon, 19 Dec 2005)
Revision: 8329
Log message:
Well, this is a (very) partial approach to using list_of_fun
by itself.
I really believe this is absurd. This approach is grundge-driven.
In contrast, the vlist{| ... |} approach is purely forward-directed,
reduce-driven, no destructor-driven tactics.
With the direct list_of_fun approach, you need non-reduce-driven
tactics like splitITE. Here is an example.
mk_bterm{'n; 'op; list_of_fun{i.
bind{'m; x. if i = 0 then e0
else if i = 1 then e1
else if i = n then en}; 'k}}
--> grundge forward and push the bind into the ITE
(hard to express in canonical form)
So now, to prove compatible_shapes, split apart the operator shape;
do a bunch of ITE reductions, etc. Very grundgy.
Now consider the vlist approach.
mk_bterm{'n; 'op; subterms_bind{bind{'m; x. vlist{| e0[x]; ... en[x] |}}}}
--> reduce subterms_bind (yes, that is a _reduce_)
mk_bterm{'n; 'op; vlist{| bind{'m; x. e0[x]}; ...; bind{'m; x. en[x]} |}}
Now *that* is obvious and beautiful.
Here is the dogma I am espousing:
- Express each transformation in its natural form.
- It is preferable to implement as much of a transformation
as possible with *theorems*, rather than tactics.
Of course, the vlist implementation relies on list_of_fun. However, I
suggest that list_of_fun be viewed as assembly code, not to be purported
to be ideal in all situations.
Of course, I just want it to be beautiful. If there is a beautiful
list_of_fun approach, I'm all for it. If I may ask, once you have done
your coding, do a _serious_ comparison.