Changes by: Jason Hickey (jyh at
Date: 2005-12-18 18:27:04 -0800 (Sun, 18 Dec 2005)
Revision: 8317
Log message:
Attempting the proof for TyAll{'ty1; x. 'ty2['x]}.
This might be the challenge of a canonical form.
The general goal is generalized eta-reduction.
t in BTerm{'n +@ 1} -->
bind{'n; x. bind{y. subst{substl{'t; 'x}; 'y}}}
This individual theorem probably has an easy proof,
and in general the concept seems obviously true.
In the general case, there will be a stack of binds,
usually of alternating vector/scalar form.
bind{'n1; x1. bind{y1. bind{'n2; x2. bind{y1. ...}}}}}
Let's see if we can prove it in general (not just
this instance).
Option 1:
Do induction on 't. Unfortunately, the bind-pushing
tools in Itt_hoas_bterm_wf work only on concrete
subterms lists. Perhaps this can be generalized,
but it is not obvious.
Option 2:
Prove a general bind-coalescing theorem, where we show
bind{'n; x. bind{y. ...}}
turns into
bind{'n +@ 1; x. ...}.
See Itt_hoas_bterm_wf.coalesce_bindn_bind for a
proof statement.
Both options are not obvious at least to me. Let's pose this as the
immediate challenge. Some immediate proposals that do not work:
1. "I will tell Xin how to do it" (well, for Xin
that is a good answer:)
2. "You should write the subst{substl{...}}
as substl{subst{...}}" (unless it can be shown
how to write the conversion from one to the other).