Changes by: Jason Hickey (jyh at
Date: 2005-12-18 15:09:58 -0800 (Sun, 18 Dec 2005)
Revision: 8315
Log message:
Added enough automation to prove that (TyTop in TyExp)
is a well-formed proof rule.
The list_of_fun theorem in Itt_hoas_debruijn was only the first
step, because any actual term needs to have its subterms
converted to list_of_fun form. This raises the standard problem,
that the length{...} term is stated in dependent form, though
we know that it is ultimately independent.
Here are the steps to prove a wf goal of the form
bind{.... mk_term{op; [s1; ...; sn]}} in BTerm{...}
1. First, convert the subterm list to a vlist{| s1; ...; sn |}.
The vlist{| ... |} form is nice because it is always
a list, no matter what the elements are. These vector
form are somewhere in between a variable and an actual
concrete list.
Proved various lemmas like:
length{vlist{| <J[x]> |}} <--> length{vlist{| <J[it]> |}}
2. Defined a subterms_bind{bind{...; terms}} term that is used
to push the binds into the list.
3. Defined a tactic bindWFT to perform all the steps in the
wf reasoning.
I don't know why, but adding the bindWFT tactic to autoT does not
work. We get some strange things like.
dT 0 thenT autoT (* completely proves the goal *)
autoT (* does nothing... *)
I am not sure of all the strategies in autoT, but it seems
to me that adding something to "intro" should have some effect
on autoT...
The final tactic then is:
let proofRuleWFT = repeatT (autoT thenT tryT bindWFT thenT rw reduceC 0)