Changes by: Aleksey Nogin (nogin at
Date: 2005-01-12 20:42:19 -0800 (Wed, 12 Jan 2005)
Revision: 6393
Log message:
- This changes how dT interacts with autoT. Now every entry in the intro
resource is marked with one of the auto_type values (AutoTrivial,
AutoNormal, AutoComplete). In each stage of autoT only the corresponding
entries will be used. When dT 0 is called outside of autoT, all the entries
will be used.
- The intro annotations on the rules w/o assumptions will now be added to
AutoTrivial (instead of AutoNormal, as before) and will be attempted before
the nth_hyp.
- The annotation processors now return a _list_ of entries to be added to a
resource instead of just a single entry. This is used, for example, to add
a pair of an AutoNormal entry and an AutoComplete one when the
"CondMustComplete" option is passed to an intro annotation.