Changes by: Aleksey Nogin (nogin at
Date: 2004-06-20 21:45:22 -0700 (Sun, 20 Jun 2004)
Revision: 5965
Log message:
1) It is now possible to specify the host name to use (in SSL certificates
and URLs) using either the -browser_hostname option, or MP_BROWSER_HOSTNAME
environment variable. By default, the Unix.gethostname is used.
2) The SSL certificates are now kept in ~/.metaprl/ssl/$MP_BROWSER_HOSTNAME
directory and will be created automatically by MetaPRL _on startup_ (not by
omake). This ensures that:
- The SSL certificates will have the hostname matching the one used in URLs
- The SSL certificates will _not_ be cleaned by "omake [real]clean", which
means that the browser will not complain about a suddenly changed cert.
- The SSL certs are not bound to a specific source tree (again, the browser
will not complain when you switch from one tree to another).
3) If /usr/bin/htmlview or /usr/bin/mozilla exists, it will be used as a
default value for the browser command (-browser_command/MP_BROWSER_COMMAND
still take precedence, of course).
4) Updated the message printed by MetaPRL on start up to make it more clear
- The browser command was called (of course, it only says that when the
browser command is specified) and the user only needs to intervene
manually if the browser fails to start up automatically.
- The file URL will not require a log in, but the https one will (Nathan
requested this).