Changes by: Adam Granicz (granicz at
Date: 2003-02-27 01:40:58 -0800 (Thu, 27 Feb 2003)
Revision: 4145
Log message:
Added M source language definition. It is a superset of the M IR,
the only extension is our own tuple terms which are used to encode
function arguments.
The parser takes care of currying function definitions and properly
declares all mutually recursive functions before their definition.
These are implemented with relaxed rewrites.
Then in m_post_parsing, we curry function calls by partially applying
them one by one, storing the result of each partial function
application in a temporary variable.
There is one step missing, which is identifying function variables
in the program term. This should be easy enough:
FunDecl{f. 'e[AtomVar{'f}]} <--> FunDecl{f. 'e[AtomFunVar{'f}]}
but a straight rewrite rule just does not cut it. So this remains
to be done.
I put a test program in m_test, but the old stuff should work as
before. The post-processing tactic is called ppT.