Changes by: Alexei Kopylov (kopylov at
Date: 2003-02-26 18:28:47 -0800 (Wed, 26 Feb 2003)
Revision: 4139
Log message:
I extend syntax with the following expressions:
'A subtype 'B
'A subset 'B
'x in 'A subset 'B
x:A isect B[x]
A bunion B
Union x:A. B[x]
Isect x:A. B[x]
(All changes are reflected in doc/htmlman/user-guide/mp-terms.html).
Now words subtype, subset, isect, bunion, Union and Isect are keywords.
So you can't write just subtype{'A;'B}.
You should write
'A subtype 'B
\subtype{'A ;'B}
I hope this will not create problems.
If it annoys someone, let me know.