Changes by: Aleksey Nogin (nogin at
Date: 2003-01-03 21:02:01 -0800 (Fri, 03 Jan 2003)
Revision: 3976
Log message:
- I added a list of authors to User Guid, Developr Guis and System Description.
I came up with the lists based on quick browsing of CVS logs, so I might be mistaken,
please let me know or feel free to fix yourself, if so.
The current lists are:
* Jason Hickey and Aleksey Nogin. MetaPRL System Description
* Jason Hickey, Aleksey Nogin and Alexei Kopylov. MetaPRL User Guide
* Aleksey Nogin and Vladimir Krupski. MetaPRL Developer Guide
- Reorganized the "Hnn" headings - now only the main title page has H1, and the
sections/subsections/subsubsections have H2-H4. Among other things this makes
it look better in htmldoc'ed PDFs and PSs.
- In the "simplified syntax" moved the "low priority terms closer to the end,
it looked weird when the listings started with it.