Changes by: Aleksey Nogin (nogin at
Date: 2002-06-11 16:22:04 -0700 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002)
Revision: 3712
Log message:
theories.pdf reorganization - now each major theory (Base, Itt, Czf and Mc)
has its own chapter.
For consistensy, I've renamed the documentation therms for headings.
The current terms are:
- @theory{'t} - for chapter headings to use in xxx_theory modules (which should go first in
theory printouts).
- @module[name] - for module (LaTeX \section) heading
- @modsection[name] - for a heading of a module section (LaTeX \subsectipon).
- @modsubsection[name] - for a heading of a module subsection (LaTex \subsubsection)
Also, what used to be hreftheory and reftheory are now called hrefmodule and refmodule.
I have not implemented the new [h]reftheory yet.