Changes by: Aleksey Nogin (nogin at
Date: 2002-04-28 12:51:58 -0700 (Sun, 28 Apr 2002)
Revision: 3591
Log message:

      - Added an option to be have "THEORIES=all" in mk/config
      (instead of THEORIES="long list of theories").
      I will change all my nightly scripts to use THEORIES=all.
      - Added mc to the default list of TEXTHEORIES. Added a file all-bodies.tex
      that would automatically contain \inputs corresponding to TEXTHEORIES.
      (Before this change we had to update all-theories.tex by hands whenever TEXTHEORIES
      was changed).
      - Minor fixes in some display forms.
      - Removed theories/caml that never had anything useful.
      - Removed a few files from theories/ocaml_doc that seemed to be there by accident
      (Jason, can you confirm?).

Changes  Path
+0 -1 metaprl/Makefile
Properties metaprl/doc/latex/theories
+8 -3 metaprl/doc/latex/theories/Makefile
+1 -4 metaprl/doc/latex/theories/all-theories.tex
+1 -0 metaprl/doc/latex/theories/itt/
+5 -5 metaprl/editor/ml/Makefile
+2 -0 metaprl/mk/
+14 -1 metaprl/mk/preface
+6 -5 metaprl/mllib/comment_parse.mll
+5 -3 metaprl/refiner/reflib/
+1 -3 metaprl/theories/czf/
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/czf/czf_itt_fol.mlz
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/czf/
+2 -2 metaprl/theories/czf/
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/itt/itt_bool.prla
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/itt/
+7 -13 metaprl/theories/itt/
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/itt/
+1 -2 metaprl/theories/itt/
+1 -2 metaprl/theories/itt/
Deleted metaprl/theories/ocaml_doc/
Deleted metaprl/theories/ocaml_doc/fset.mli
Deleted metaprl/theories/ocaml_doc/
Deleted metaprl/theories/ocaml_doc/
+8 -4 metaprl/theories/tactic/
+3 -0 metaprl/theories/tactic/
+1 -0 metaprl/theories/tactic/nuprl_font.mli
+2 -2 metaprl/theories/tactic/
+1 -0 texinputs/metaprl.tex