Changes by: Aleksey Nogin (nogin at
Date: 2001-05-08 16:59:11 -0700 (Tue, 08 May 2001)
Revision: 3223
Log message:

      Finally, I am able to commit what I was getting to
      in all these commits over the last several days.
      I changed the parser to index declared opnames by its "shape" -
      last string of opname + parameter types + subterm arities
      instead of just the last string (as it used to be). This means that
      the parser now checks whether the usage of an opname corresponds
      to its declaration. This allowed me to detect numerous typos in
      display forms and even some rules and rewrites and, hopefully,
      will prevent people from making such typos in the future.
      This is only the first pass of the implementation. I still need to:
      - make sure none of my fixes broke any display forms that used to work
        because of typos cancelling each other
      - update the documentation
      - implement checking of shapes on the opnames specified using the
        Module!name notation (currently no checking is done on such opnames)

Changes  Path
+2 -2 metaprl/editor/ml/
+4 -3 metaprl/editor/ml/package_sig.mlz
+3 -2 metaprl/editor/ml/shell_p4_sig.mlz
+2 -1 metaprl/editor/ml/
+109 -61 metaprl/filter/base/
+8 -6 metaprl/filter/base/
+5 -5 metaprl/filter/base/
+7 -2 metaprl/filter/base/
+58 -39 metaprl/filter/base/
+5 -3 metaprl/filter/base/term_grammar.mli
+13 -8 metaprl/filter/filter/
+12 -3 metaprl/refiner/reflib/
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/base/
+6 -3 metaprl/theories/czf/
+3 -0 metaprl/theories/czf/czf_itt_comment.mli
+3 -9 metaprl/theories/czf/
+0 -2 metaprl/theories/czf/czf_itt_eq.mli
+2 -1 metaprl/theories/czf/
+1 -0 metaprl/theories/czf/czf_itt_isect.mli
+2 -2 metaprl/theories/czf/
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/czf/
+2 -4 metaprl/theories/czf/
+8 -8 metaprl/theories/czf/
+3 -3 metaprl/theories/czf/czf_itt_theory.mlz
+1 -0 metaprl/theories/czf/
+1 -0 metaprl/theories/czf/czf_itt_union.mli
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/itt/
+9 -4 metaprl/theories/itt/
+10 -14 metaprl/theories/itt/
+7 -2 metaprl/theories/itt/itt_comment.mli
+1 -0 metaprl/theories/itt/
+2 -1 metaprl/theories/itt/itt_dprod.mli
+3 -3 metaprl/theories/itt/
+5 -5 metaprl/theories/itt/
+4 -4 metaprl/theories/itt/
+5 -4 metaprl/theories/itt/itt_int.mli
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/itt/
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/itt/itt_int_base.mli
+6 -6 metaprl/theories/itt/
+3 -3 metaprl/theories/itt/itt_int_ext.mli
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/itt/
+20 -20 metaprl/theories/itt/
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/itt/
+3 -3 metaprl/theories/itt/
+4 -4 metaprl/theories/itt/
+1 -0 metaprl/theories/itt/itt_rfun.mli
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/itt/
+2 -2 metaprl/theories/itt/
+2 -2 metaprl/theories/itt/
+2 -2 metaprl/theories/itt/itt_union.mli
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/itt/
+129 -10 metaprl/theories/ocaml/ocaml.mlz
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/ocaml/
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/ocaml/ocaml_base_df.mli
+33 -38 metaprl/theories/ocaml/
+8 -8 metaprl/theories/ocaml/ocaml_expr_df.mli
+2 -2 metaprl/theories/ocaml/
+1 -0 metaprl/theories/ocaml/
+27 -12 metaprl/theories/ocaml/
+2 -2 metaprl/theories/ocaml/
+2 -3 metaprl/theories/ocaml/
+3 -1 metaprl/theories/ocaml/
+24 -62 metaprl/theories/tactic/
+1 -1 metaprl/theories/tactic/base_dform.mli
+35 -35 metaprl/theories/tactic/
+6 -1 metaprl/theories/tactic/comment.mli
+13 -1 metaprl/theories/tactic/
+7 -1 metaprl/theories/tactic/nuprl_font.mli
+37 -42 metaprl/theories/tactic/
+7 -7 metaprl/theories/tactic/summary.mli