Changes by: Aleksey Nogin (nogin at
Date: 2000-04-13 16:26:25 -0700 (Thu, 13 Apr 2000)
Revision: 2934
Log message:
I started writing a formal description of the syntax of sequent schemas
that are used in rule specifications and when proving derived rules.
I am planning to give a formal definition of what it means for a sequent
specification to be a refinement of another sequent specification.
After that I am going to start proving that the way we use rules on sequent
schemas instead of ordinary sequents when proving derived rules is valid.
Since under the current implementation it is _not_ completely valid,
I will only sketch a proof, but this should be enough to understand
what we need to add to make it completely valid.
Changes | Path |
+2 -0 | metaprl/doc/htmlman/user-guide/mp-axiom.html |