Changes by: Jason Hickey (jyh at
Date: 1999-06-24 17:19:15 -0700 (Thu, 24 Jun 1999)
Revision: 2753
Log message:
These are some minor changes to make things work better. Changed
meaning of ThinOption in elim_resource: it now means to thin the hyp
by default, unless overridden by thinningT false.
Fixed some proof operations. Added "move_to_assum" command to take
the current subgoal and make it an extra assumption of the entire
proof (it may not work at the moment).
ls now takes a _string_ argument. Use ls "u";; to display only the
unproved rules in the current module.
Proved many membership variants of the standard type constructors,
but there are a few more to go. When you are defining theories, I
believe you should use membership, not equality. After all, equality
is derivable from membership, and membership is a lot easier.
Still to go: ASCII format proof files; save proofs _without_ extracts
by default. The expand () function does not reexpand proofs correctly.
A few problems with proof navigation.